Saturday, 5 April 2014

Sneaking a few hours at the allotment.

I wasn't expecting to make it to the allotment today, but who would have thought the weather man would get it wrong. I cleared a few more items today. Four more slabs, some trellis that I've had in the shed for a few years and a bucket of compost. There are some seeds you can see and some plastic thing sticking out of the bucket. More about that later.

Straight into 'Garden Connect' part of this blog. To be honest, although it's a short one, it will be nearly all 'Garden Connect'. You may notice that the Crystal Palace has gone. I took it out a few weeks ago thinking it's job was done, packed it away in the shed, lots of other stuff got put in front and I'm buggered if I'm getting it out now. As luck would have it, as I tidied a bit of litter around the plot, I found a large plastic sheet that turned out to be a small polytunnel. I had the wire frames in the shed from an old broken one, well I'm a hoarder, never throw anything away. So now I have myself a bit of a polytunnel. Now, with the lack of activity with the lettuce and carrots, I decided to restart them both, but this time with a bit more order.

With my dibber, I made five holes and filled it with compost, popped a few seeds in each, watered them and covered it with my new found polytunnel. This was done with both the carrots and lettuce. Unfortunately the tunnel doesn't fit all the way across the 6×2 bed and it was never part of the plan for today anyway. But not to worry, last night we had a supermarket southern fried chicken and the container it came in was ideal as a closh for my kale. With just two holes instead of five, but otherwise the same as the carrots and lettuce. The closh is pegged down to stop it blowing away. And this is how it looks.

Yesterday I forgot to mention that there has been a bit of movement in the greenhouse regarding the lemon cucumber. I did take a photo. But even though I know what I was looking for, it just looked like a pot of compost with a bit of white in the middle. So, just for now you'll have to take my word for it. Till next time and thanks for reading.


  1. Every pot will find its use in the garden, right? I have started collecting plastic pepsi bottles, brilliant for a cloche:)

  2. Great to see your reuse of the plastic container. I do the same to raise seeds in but punch holes in the base as needed. Or use mini punnets with lids. You can see the pics here. Enjoyed your post!

  3. It is so beautiful structural polt and helpful information you put on site perfectly !…ריהוט גן אנו מוכרים ריהוט גן , שמשיות לגן , נדנדות לגן , וכן כל הריהוט לגן , משלוחים בכל רחבי הארץ
