Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Spring is truly here.

For the last few weeks I've been asked and have done a lot of Overtime at work. I haven't done as much as has been asked, because I had to draw the line somewhere. Although the money comes in very handy, there is no point in working all the hours when Spring is the busiest time in the gardeners calendar. What the hell am I supposed to do with the potatoes and onion sets if I have no time to sow them?  Sunday was a day best spent on the plot and what with all the hustle and bustle of King Richard III's reinterment, I knew exactly where I wanted to be. Don't get me wrong, it's a big thing for Leicester and I'm glad he's been laid to rest here, but I'm not a big fan of crowds and me being so small, I wouldn't see anything anyway.

Onion bed No. 1

I was planning on spending most of the day on my own on the plot with my 'Weekend Dad' duties done, but on bringing my daughter back home, there was a change of plan. I had now inherited three helpers, my youngest daughter and my Ex's partners two children. They were the best helper's I've had in a long time. They dug a bed and prepared the soil ready for sowing the onion sets. We had a few onions left over, so they dug another bed and sowed some more. 

Onion bed No. 2

And yet we still had onions left, so the flower bed that I had been preparing for my daughter now has onions. I didnt intend to buy so many onions, it's just what came in the £1.50 bag. The bed's not quite finished, but for the moment, it'll be OK. My daughter assure me she doesn't mind me using it, she'll just put flowers around the onions.

Onion bed No. 3
The children's day was made when the pheasant that patrols the site passed by. Try as they might there was no photographic evidence, nothing very clear at any rate. They would've had a better chance of photographing Nessie. 

The only thing left to do was to was to water everything in, including the row of potatoes I had put in the week before. When we got back, they each got £2 for their hard work. I have since been told that a bag of sweets is the going rate for kids helping out on the allotment. Till next time and thanks for reading. 

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