Monday, 26 May 2014

Garden Connect update.

The days are starting to get warmer, but with that (and a little rain), the weeds are all over the place. Turn your back for a moment and they are everywhere. So on Sunday, with it being a dry day, I spent the day weeding. An ideal time to give a little update on what is and isn't happening in the 'Garden Connect' bed.

Only one kale plant, but doing well.

Lemon cucumber has lasted a whole week at the allotment

Another nasturtium has come up

Golden sunrise tomatoes. Sorry, I've cheated a bit

The parsnips are going crazy

Spinach big and really small

Just one lettuce at the moment even though keep sowing more seeds

I'm finally getting some purple carrots

No worries with the onions

And finally, just two beetroots

You will notice that there are no french beans or sweet peppers. The French beans just don't seem to be growing, it doesn't matter what I do. The sweet peppers aren't quite ready to be planted out yet. I have taken no chances as regards the slugs, I have dotted the whole plot, not just the 'Garden Connect' bed. As a result, the courgettes are settling in, I have a row of carrots and beetroots which need to thin out, a row of leeks well established and strawberries are on their way.

This one's about the size of a ping pong ball 

I did clear most of the weeds on the plot and after four or five hours in the sunshine I also got a bit of sunburn on my arms. Till next time and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Slow going but most of the veg are getting established. The slugs are out in force destroyed a bag of carrots sown a few weeks back. Enjoyed the update.
